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Monday, June 21, 2010

ARHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can someone help me today i went to my facebook. Then i saw a message that my primary school fren Nelson Chua sen one he asked me can i stead with him i was so shock! I jus replied him y u suddenly ask me. He still haven reply.Arhh!!!!!someone help me!!!!!! Yong Xiang if i say yes wat will u do wat will u react Yong Xiang pls reply.....I really love u i will promise u not to stead with others as long as u tell me how u feel.... Pls...

Thursday, June 3, 2010
The ZOO!!!

About last week i went to the zoo it was fun!!!okay i will stop here now cause today not my day.Bye Bye!

Sunday, May 16, 2010
That's Me!!!!

Hi everybody it's been a long time that i have not blogged.That's becoz exam IS OVER!!!!And i hav been goin out with my frens after school almost everyday to practice our basketball.And i will go home at about 5pm???Alot of things hav haPPENED to me this few days.That is i am in a relationship!!!!I like a guy in my class even though he is not really that handsome.I hav confessed to him but he doesn't like me at all he is even hiding away from me.Alot of ppl tell me to give up as his attitude sucks but i don't mind i jus wanna be with him.My fren Kheng Yan is even trying to flirt with him do they noe that i will get jealous but i noe that i can't control his life so i could only watch them quietly.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today after exam we were realeased at 10am, then i, kelly, pauline, marie, xin kai went to outside Ang Mo Kio Hub that MacDonald to have our lunch.I treated pauline a medium coke then i bought myself a Happy Meal.We was very unlucky there we met ron, wei xun, kristofer, ying ruey, perry too, vincent, jonathan and ellery.After that we went into Ang Mo Kio Hub to accompany xin kai to see her bag but the INK shop was close.SADDEN!Then xin kai say she want to go buy sushi then kelly say she wants also then xin kai say she treat her.Then pauline and marie say they also want but xin kai say dun wan to treat them.Then pauline and marie got angry and pull me and walk away from them but pauline and marie not really angry at them they jus wanna play with them.Me, pauline and marie went to Art Box to see smth.Then we met jun, kheng yan, isabelle, kelly and xin kai at mini toon buying smth.Xin kai saw us but we ran away,so later pauline decided to go to Ang Mo Kio library to study History(my hated subject but no choice tomorow history exam).We walked there and we met Yvonne, her frenz, boon hock, boon xiang, xiong wei and one more fren.I was very scared and nerous as boon hock, boon xiang and xiong wei is my NPCC seniors.We went into the library and the librarian told us to be quiet as there are ppl studying so we had to whisper.I went to read one book called Ancient Egypt(my favourite country).After that we could not tolerate the quietness in the library so we went out.Whoa!!Finally can talk loudly and shout.I and marie then want to go Big Mac centre that park but pauline doesn't want as she scared she will see her old frens but finally we persuaded her to come with us.While we were playing happily we saw Yvonne and the group of frenz AGAIN!!BUt we did not care much.Then we saw jun, isabelle, kheng yan and xin kai fren come then we played with them.We had a competition on the swing who lose will get punishment.The punishment could not tell u as it is a secret.Then marie called xin kai and kelly to come.They took a long time to came.After that we went to play the turning spiderweb.Then smth happen we saw kristofer fell off the slide.Then there is one guy from chong boon sec call amirul laughed at him then i, jun, kheng yan is very angry and sad as kristofer is our classmate how could we not care about him!So, amirul and us started a fight, then amirul called his godsis come then the godsis scolded us.But at last the problem is solved and we went home then i called jun she told me that she has called the police did she even noe that she is making us getting into bigger trouble she doesn't even care about our feeling she donn't care whether our parents will scold us or even hit us or even disacknowledge us she just care about HERSLEF!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Best frens/frens does ends.

Why do i say best frens/frens does ends?I think most of u agree with me.As u see ur kindergarden fren might not be in the same primary sch as u, ur primary sch frens might not be in the same secondary sch as u too, after secondary sch u MAYBE will go poly but MAYBE they might go ITE but even if u all is in the same sch u might not be in the same class as each other.I have an example as an evidence that frens does ends:When ur best frends/frens found a new fren their distance will be further and further away from u they will have more fun then we two have the last time but when they quarrel with the new fren they will come and find u and when they patch up she will ignore u.They will think that u are always lying to them and thinks that u are breaking up their frenship and snatching away their things.So i will definitely agree that frenship does ends.Do u all agree with me?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arghh!!!!!!!Tomorow english exam sia HOWWW!!!!!!STRESSED!!!!!!I wonder if anybody can help me!!!!My mum kept nagging at me go STUDY!STUDY!!STUDY!!!HATE IT!!!!!!Wish there is no exam in this world!!!!!If i could change school every year then good can go see all my frens or bes frens.ARGHH!~!~~~~~! GTG MUM'S NAGGING ME AGAIN!!!!!!SEE YOU TOMOROW.BYE!